分类: Android
GMS updates for Android 9 July Release
[Android GMS Announcements 0712] Waiver proposal in APA and Updates to Digital Wellbeing and Parental Controls GMS Requirements
Waiver proposal in Android Partner Approvals portal |
We’re trying to make the Android build approval process quick and smooth. To achieve this goal, our portal team is working hard to introduce a new feature in Android Partner Approvals (APA) portal (previously called APFE) called Waiver Proposal.
The Waiver Proposal user guide provides details on this feature and its use.
[Android GMS Announcements-0703] Soong build system instructions available and GooglePackageInstaller security update
Soong build system instructions available |
All available documentation for the Soong build system is now linked from the Set up > Build tab of source.android.com. In addition, more detailed source control documentation has been moved from the Set up > Download tab to Set up > Create to simplify initial configuration.
[Android GMS Announcements-0628] Disabling GPP, APA waiver, and API warnings
Old GMS Core Version Disabling GPP |
We are following up on our intention to increase enforcement for devices that have pre-installed apps that modify sensitive security settings, such as Google Play Protect (GPP). Older versions of GMS Core (prior to v17.4.x) include this behavior.
Please be aware that if a build you have submitted or plan to submit for approval contains an older version of GMS Core (prior to v17.4.x), it will be considered to contain a PHA (Potentially Harmful Application) and may render the device not eligible for a GMS approval.
继续阅读“[Android GMS Announcements-0628] Disabling GPP, APA waiver, and API warnings”
[Android GMS Announcements-0624] High uplink traffic issue from old Android devices
High uplink traffic issue from old Android devices |
On June 13th, we received reports that the Android System was consuming significant data traffic on Android 5.1 devices. After analysing the issue, we found the high uplink traffic is from the mDNS system daemon. A recently added feature in Google Play services Version 17.1.22 used the NsdManager APIs which triggered a latent bug that existed in older versions of Android (i.e., pre-Android 8.0). The real issue is the old mDNS code -- mDNS can go into an infinite loop on some pre-Android 8.0 devices.
继续阅读“[Android GMS Announcements-0624] High uplink traffic issue from old Android devices”
[Android GMS Announcements-0620] Digital Well-being and Parental Controls and Android Auto headless stub APK
Digital Well-being and Parental Controls - GMS Requirements Preview |
Upcoming GMS Requirements update for Android Q will feature Digital Well-being and Parental Controls, which we published in the Android Q Documentation page in the GMS Help Center for your preview.
[Android GMS Announcements-0530] Disabling SELinux, Android Auto headless APK, and Using the vbmeta.img
Disabling SELinux in Build Packages or Binaries |
Please be aware that if a package or binary in your software build executes “setenforce 0”, it is considered as a PHA (Potentially Harmful Application) and may render the device into a state that is considered as a violation of the Android CDD section 9.7 [C-1-2] and [C-1-3] requirement(s).
如何使不支持IMS的终端pass GtsImsServiceTestCases?
原因:Google GTS IMS测项需要载入Google ImsService而不是MtkImsService,如果不支持IMS,就不会build MtkImsService,这样在bind MtkImsService时会抛出ImsException,从而导致IMS相关的case fail。
VtsKernelNetTest#testKernelNetworking#testProcNetIcmp6 (ping6_test.Ping6Test) fail
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/data/nativetest64/kernel_net_tests/kernel_net_tests/runfiles/ping6_test.py", line 807, in testProcNetIcmp6
txmem=0, rxmem=0)
File "/data/nativetest64/kernel_net_tests/kernel_net_tests/runfiles/ping6_test.py", line 333, in CheckSockStatFile
self.fail("Cound not find socket matching %s" % expected)
AssertionError: Cound not find socket matching ['000080FE00000000FF000000016400FE:D00D', '000002FF000000000000000001000000:DEAD', '01', '00000000:00000000', '0', '2', '0']
继续阅读“VtsKernelNetTest#testKernelNetworking#testProcNetIcmp6 (ping6_test.Ping6Test) fail”
请参考对应平台并申请patch. 如果拿到的patch只有source code 没有libvcodecdrv.so ,请按照表格再重新申请一次patch.
CTS问题分析15 | weiinter105
run cts -m CtsAppSecurityHostTestCases -t android.appsecurity.cts.CorruptApkTests#testSafeInstallOfCorruptAPK_b71360999 -a arm64-v8a
fail host log:
CTS问题分析14 | weiinter105
测试命令: run cts-on-gsi-retry --retry 6 -s 8981083
报错堆栈(host log中):
[ITS]scene1\test_raw_exposure.py fail
STS Waive
GTS testcase fail in BusinessLogicTestCase
GTS_6.0_R4 failure in testUsageTableCapacity
GTS_6.0_R4 failure in testUsageTableCapacity |
If you have a Widevine L1 device and your Pie builds are failing the MediaDrmTest#testUsageTableCapacity test in GTS_6.0_R4 due to a missing patch in your L1 Widevine code, you are eligible for a blanket waiver until Aug 1st, 2019 and till then your builds won’t be blocked. You don’t need to open a separate waiver request if you are facing this issue, instead mention b/130209134 as blanket waiver number for your build approval on APFE.
GOTA - Limitations on number of groups and max group size
GOTA - Limitations on number of groups and max group sizeGOTA - 组数和最大组大小的限制 |
For users of both GOTA dashboard and API, we are reducing the maximum group size from 50,000 to 1,000 devices for new groups and restricting the maximum number of groups in a deployment to 25 groups because these groups are intended for testing only. Starting June 17 2019, you will not be able to add more than 1,000 devices to a group and the number of groups in a deployment will be limited to 25.
继续阅读“GOTA - Limitations on number of groups and max group size”