如何使不支持IMS的终端pass GtsImsServiceTestCases?


GTS fail case:在不支持IMS的情况下,GtsImsServiceTestCases可能会有下面两条case fail:
原因:Google GTS IMS测项需要载入Google ImsService而不是MtkImsService,如果不支持IMS,就不会build MtkImsService,这样在bind MtkImsService时会抛出ImsException,从而导致IMS相关的case fail。

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GTS_6.0_R4 failure in testUsageTableCapacity

GTS_6.0_R4 failure in testUsageTableCapacity


If you have a Widevine L1 device and your Pie builds are failing the  MediaDrmTest#testUsageTableCapacity test in GTS_6.0_R4 due to a missing patch in your L1 Widevine code, you are eligible for a blanket waiver until Aug 1st, 2019 and till then your builds won’t be blocked. You don’t need to open a separate waiver request if you are facing this issue, instead mention b/130209134 as blanket waiver number for your build approval on APFE.

继续阅读“GTS_6.0_R4 failure in testUsageTableCapacity”

[GTS]GTS测试GtsMemoryHostTestCases 出现fail项com.google.android.memory.gts.MusicMemoryHostTest#testPeakMemoryUsage


com.android.tradefed.device.DeviceUnresponsiveException: Attempted shell am start -W -S -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d 'file:///sdcard/test.ogg' -t audio/* 'com.android.music/.AudioPreviewStarter'

继续阅读“[GTS]GTS测试GtsMemoryHostTestCases 出现fail项com.google.android.memory.gts.MusicMemoryHostTest#testPeakMemoryUsage”

[6.0r4]GtsAssistantHostTestCases fail


 [gts6.0r4]GtsAssistantHostTestCases fail


这是6.0人新增的case, Hal1的camera会四条全fail, Hal 3的会fail两条可以通过check log (mtkcam-dev1,表示hal1; mtkcam-dev3表示hal3)

GPS 更新豁免流程

GTS updated waiver approval process


We introduced Business Logic (BL) based tests as Partner Agreement Enforcement System in GTS 6.0 R1 release in July, 2018.  All Business-logics are hosted on Google servers and can be updated and pushed to production as and when required. This also gives the advantage that partners no longer need to wait for another GTS release to get the fixed test. After the fix is applied on production, a partner can rerun the test and get the test pass.

继续阅读“GPS 更新豁免流程”

GTS 6.0 R4 执行日期改为2019-4-15

GTS 6.0 R4 enforcement date changed and known issues


The enforcement date for GTS 6.0 R4 version is changed from April 11th, 2019 to April 15th, 2019. This will align GTS 6.0 R4 enforcement date with February Mandatory Functional Patches Due Dates.

GTS 6.0 R4 can fail for the following four test cases for certain devices with either no camera hardware or no HAL3 Camera:

继续阅读“GTS 6.0 R4 执行日期改为2019-4-15”

【GTS 6.0_R2】 failed com.google.android.nmgiarc.gts.CarrierServicesTests#testCarrierServicesIsTheDefaultImsPackage


  GTS 6.0_R2 failed com.google.android.nmgiarc.gts.CarrierServicesTests#testCarrierServicesIsTheDefaultImsPackage
junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: CS not the default IMS package.

继续阅读“【GTS 6.0_R2】 failed com.google.android.nmgiarc.gts.CarrierServicesTests#testCarrierServicesIsTheDefaultImsPackage”

GTS 6.0 R4 released 2019-04-11起切换

GTS 6.0 R4 released


Google Mobile Services Test Suite (GTS) version 6.0 R4 has been released on the GTS Download page. GTS 6.0_r4 will support Android 7.0 to 9 and will be enforced for GMS approvals starting April 11, 2019.

GTS 6.0_r4 replaces GTS 6.0_r3 for approvals of GMS distribution per MADA/ EMADA on phone & tablet devices running Android 7.0 to 9. Major changes compared to previous release are following:

继续阅读“GTS 6.0 R4 released 2019-04-11起切换”

[GSI8.1R6]dEQP-EGL.functional.get_frame_timestamps#rgba8888_depth_stencil fail


dEQP-EGL.functional.get_frame_timestamps#rgba8888_depth_stencil fail
=== with config {glformat=rgba8888d24s8ms0,rotation=unspecified,surfacetype=window,required=true} === Fail: Composite to present latency is more than 3 vsyncs.!(131178320 < 66089160)

继续阅读“[GSI8.1R6]dEQP-EGL.functional.get_frame_timestamps#rgba8888_depth_stencil fail”

【GTS_6.0R3】GtsSimAppDialogTestCases三条case fail


fail java.lang.AssertionError: Dialog not shown. Is the test SIM inserted?
fail java.lang.AssertionError: Dialog not shown. Is the test SIM inserted?
fail java.lang.AssertionError: Carrier install notification failed to show.





fail junit.framework.AssertionFailedError:
com.google.android.gts.cast.RemoteSubmixTest.testRecordFromRemoteSubmix failed.




CTS/GTS 问题分析11 | weiinter105

gts case是不放出源码的,这很不方便我们进行问题的分析,如果测试是apk,我们可以通过修改smali重新编译的方式赋值我们分析,那么,如果测试文件是一个jar包,那么应该如何处理呢?以本文为例记录分析方法



run gts -m GtsUnofficialApisUsageTestCases -t com.android.gts.api.UnofficialApisUsageTest#testNonApiReferences

继续阅读“CTS/GTS 问题分析11 | weiinter105”