This month, we have updated releases for the test suites listed below, as well as the GMS package.
CTS release
2020 2nd quarter releases of the Android Compatibility Test Suite (CTS) for Android 10, 9.0, 8.1, and 8.0 are released.
The CTS 2020 2nd quarter releases for Android 10, 9.0, 8.1, and 8.0 are available on the Compatibility Test Suite Downloads page. These releases contain continuous improvements of tests and test infrastructure.
The partners in China can download the CTS packages from https://source.android.google.cn/ without VPN.
The details and delta from last release can be found in the following change lists:
CTS 10 R3 to R4 CTS 9.0 R11 to R12 CTS 8.1 R18 to R19 CTS 8.0 R22 to R23
Process to deal with CTS test failures
List of CTS test fixes (requested to issue a waiver for a test failure) that are work-in-progress can be found here in the CTS gerrit. The CTS merged test fixes after 2020-01-16 will be included in next releases. In the meantime, you can use the reduced waiver requests process if you failed any of the tests that’s’ already on the above list of “merged test fixes”.
GTS Release
GTS 7.0_R5 (supporting Android 8-10) is going through the final QA process. Please be on the lookout for additional release announcements next week.
VTS Release
August releases for the Vendor Test Suite for Android 10, 9.0, 8.1 and 8.0 will be available on the Downloading VTS and GSIs page by the end of this week.
The new GSIs will include the SPLs for June.
These versions will be required for GMS approvals as described in the table below:
Release |
Release version |
Required-use date |
10 R4, 9.0 R12, 8.1 R19, 8.0 R23 |
2020-06-25 |
7.0 R5 (TBD) |
2020-06-25 |
10 R4, 9.0 R13, 8.1 R12 |
2020-06-25 |
Updates to 2GB Go for Android 10 starting October 20, 2020 |
Below is the preview of updates to 2GB Go GMS requirements slated to be announced in June 24, 2020 GMS Requirements release:
After October 20, 2020, DEVICEs MUST be defined as a Go device, with the isLowRamDevice flag set to true if both of the following conditions are true:
The DEVICE launches with Android 10.
The DEVICE has 2 GB of RAM or less.
2 GB RAM devices that launched as standard GMS devices (non-Go) SHOULD NOT convert to an Android Go device using MRs or letter upgrades.
A 3 GB or greater RAM device MAY be approved as a Go PRODUCT variant, but only in conjunction with a Go device of 2GB RAM or less. A device with more than 2 GB RAM CANNOT be a Go PRODUCT alone in a DEVICE group.
Updates to R GMS requirements |
We have published updates on requirements for R GMS Requirements.
Key updates for this preview
Changed (GMS) |
Added (CDD/GMS) |
Updated GOATS performance suite for Go devices |
An updated release version 10.0_B2 GOATS is available for partner review.
The Go Android Test Suite (GOATS) is a Tradefed-based automated test suite used to validate performance of low RAM Android Go edition devices. Android Go devices must complete GOATS testing for build approval. Non-Go devices shouldn't run GOATS.
Refer to the help center page to learn about GOATS and download the latest version.