VtsHalRadioV1_0Target模块all case failed
hardware/interfaces/radio/1.0/vts/functional/radio_hidl_hal_test.cpp:75 Expected equality of these values: std::cv_status::no_timeout Which is: 4-byte object <00-00 00-00> wait() Which is: 4-byte object <01-00 00-00> hardware/interfaces/radio/1.0/vts/functional/radio_hidl_hal_test.cpp:42 Expected equality of these values: serial Which is: 66098897 radioRsp->rspInfo.serial Which is: 0 hardware/interfaces/radio/1.0/vts/functional/radio_hidl_hal_test.cpp:46 Expected equality of these values: CardState::PRESENT Which is: 4-byte object <01-00 00-00> cardStatus.cardState Which is: 4-byte object <00-00 00-00>
secure_element hal service cannot report WARNING WORD, such as 0x6283
Fail: 當卡片回 0x62xx 的狀態碼, SecureElementService 回報 IOError
在mtk log/mobile log/main log 中出现以下log信息,代表Secure Element当前版本是最新的
Line 15450: 06-23 09:30:53.251848 448 485 E MtkUiccSEHal: [se1]reset:915: RESET reason: INIT (0, 1)
Line 15451: 06-23 09:30:53.251984 448 485 D MtkUiccSEHal: [se1]reset:986: RESET done
若客户需要热插入 SIM, 则需要 SIM state change 的 patch.
[ALPS04712094] Notify SecureElement module of simStatus change
/alps/vendor/mediatek/proprietary/hardware/ril/+/2541565/[ALPS04715321] Notify SecureElement module of simStatus change
/alps/device/mediatek/common/+/2541658/[ALPS04712094] Notify SecureElement module of simStatus change
[ALPS04715557] Handle SIM state change