GMS Requirements: Rich Communications Services (RCS)

Google believes that interoperable IP messaging based on the open Rich Communications Services (RCS) specification is a viable direction to improve the Android messaging experience for users beyond SMS/MMS and is becoming a fundamental technology expected on the devices for which we’re licensing GMS.

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GMS, GTS required-use date for non-EEA builds

Earlier this month, we released the GMS October updates and GTS 6.0 R2. While these versions are currently required for new smartphones and tablets models to be distributed in the European Economic Area (EEA), they will also be required for non-EEA GMS build approvals on the dates shown in the table below:

本月早些时候,我们发布了GMS十月更新和GTS 6.0 R2。 虽然这些版本目前需要在欧洲经济区(EEA)中分发新的智能手机和平板电脑型号,但在下表所示日期还需要非EEA GMS构建批准:

继续阅读“GMS, GTS required-use date for non-EEA builds”

GMS Package 10月份更新已释放


在新版本中,更新了应用程序,makefile和配置文件,适配出欧盟设备符合 GMS EEA要求(EEA Google Search和Chrome放置要求)。 

更多详细信息,请参阅Android GMS 2018年10月更新发行说明文档。

参考文档:Android GMS October 2018 Update Release Notes

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· 激活日期 — 终端用户智能手机/平板在谷歌服务器注册激活的日期,非厂商出货日期

· 激活国家—终端用户智能手机/平板在谷歌服务器注册激活的国家

· PPI —显示单元支持的最大物理像素密度。




[Android GMS Announcements] Google's Mobile Applications for Android in the EEA 送测欧盟的设备将受影响

On July 18, 2018, the European Commission issued a decision regarding the distribution of Google’s mobile applications on Android in the European Economic Area (EEA). As such, we are making some changes to our agreements and updating the GMS technical requirements for Google Mobile Services (GMS) smartphones and tablets supplied into the EEA for sale to end users.

继续阅读“[Android GMS Announcements] Google's Mobile Applications for Android in the EEA 送测欧盟的设备将受影响”

New Google Play services APK Variants

We recently updated the Unbundled GMS folder with the latest Google Play services (GmsCore) version 13.2.92 binaries. With this version, we introduced the additional APK variants as below:

  • 13.2.92_API23+: APK Variant for the Android platform API Level 23 (Marshmallow) and higher but less than the API Level 28 (Pie).
  • 13.2.92_API28: APK Variant for the Android platform API Level 28 (Pie).
  • 13.2.92_Go: APK Variant for the Android devices in Low RAM (Android Go) configuration, API Level 27 (Oreo MR1) and higher.

Please make sure the right APK Variant was used on your device builds if you have downloaded this new version of Google Play services for production purpose.

The October releases CTS for Android 9.0, 8.1, 8.0, 7.1, and 7.0 are released and Test suites required-use date updated

The October releases of the Android Compatibility Test Suite (CTS) for Android 9.0, 8.1, 8.0, 7.1, and 7.0 are released on the AOSP website; see the android-partners announcement for more details.

These releases also contain continuous improvements of tests and test infrastructure and verify security patches up to September 2018 Public Security Bulletin.

These versions will be required for GMS approvals as shown in the table below:

继续阅读“The October releases CTS for Android 9.0, 8.1, 8.0, 7.1, and 7.0 are released and Test suites required-use date updated”

Google Android Partnership Boot Camp -Shenzhen- Sep 2018 深圳研讨会


Android P CTS Hightlight, CTS Instant, Waiver Process

CTS and GTS Best Practice

Android P GMS Req.

Treble Compliance/VTS



Android Go

Camera Image Test Suite (ITS)

Branding Approval

How to get Android tech help

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Google apps folder should contain applications in the following order from left to right; top to bottom.

Google Chrome, Gmail, Google+, Google Maps, Google Play Music, Google Play Movies, Google Play Books, Google Play Newsstand, Google Play Games, Google Drive, YouTube, Google Plus Photos, Hangouts

二、 测试命令


GMS September release details

We have released GMS updates for Android 9, 8.1 and 8.0.

In this release, we:

  • Updated the GoogleRestore app for Android 9 to fix an issue that caused the device to consume more power unnecessarily.
  • Updated the Setup Wizard for Android 9 to support a setup flow specifically for devices having a dedicated hardware Assistant button.
  • Updated the Setup Wizard for Android 8.1 to disable the feature that automatically adds a number into the contacts of users in India. Please see the public article by The Verge describing the issue.
  • Updated some GMS build makefiles for Android 9. As a result, the stub WebView app will be preloaded as ‘WebViewStub’ instead of ‘WebViewGoogle’ when Chrome is preloaded and acts as the WebView provider.
  • Updated GoogleDialer app to version 23, which does not rely on native libraries. The file for GoogleDialer has been updated accordingly.
  • Updated the privapp-permissions-google.xml file to reflect the privileged permission android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS that was added to the Google app in version

Find the updated apps in each release of the Google Product Geo-Availability on Android v2 spreadsheet tabs below:

配置 GMS 客户端 ID

在设置过程中,系统会根据编译时填充的系统属性值 ( 来设置客户端 ID 值。客户端 ID 值将存储在内容提供程序中,以供所有 Google 应用访问。系统属性上的 ro 前缀表示该属性为只读属性,且无法修改(在设备上运行时)。

重要提示:必须先设置设备上的客户端 ID 才能触发 BOOT_COMPLETED 广播,并且在下次恢复设备的出厂设置之前,此 ID 必须一直保持不变。客户端 ID 值的变化只能应用到新设备。

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