在android P版本上如果按照“FAQ18076 android 6.0 M userdebug版本执行adb remount失败”的做法在userdebug版本上执行adb remount会提示以下错误:
remount of the / superblock failed: Permission denied
remount failed
原因是android P版本后google启用avb(Android Verified Boot)2.0,verified boot and DM-verity默认启用策略发生了变化。详情如下:
DM-Verity behavior changes from vboot1.0 to avb2.0.
On vboot1.0, dm-verity is turned off on eng build and is enabled on userdebug/user build.
DM-verity could be disabled with adb (not fastboot) on userdebug build without unlocking device first.
DM-Verity could not be disabled on user build.
On avb2.0, dm-verity behavior are the same on all build variants.
It's turned on by default and could only be disabled after device is unlocked.
dm-verity disable flag is moved from system image dm-verity metadata(vboot1.0) to vbmeta image(avb2.0), and you have two ways to disable it: adb and fastboot.
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