GTS 6.0 R4 released 2019-04-11起切换

GTS 6.0 R4 released


Google Mobile Services Test Suite (GTS) version 6.0 R4 has been released on the GTS Download page. GTS 6.0_r4 will support Android 7.0 to 9 and will be enforced for GMS approvals starting April 11, 2019.

GTS 6.0_r4 replaces GTS 6.0_r3 for approvals of GMS distribution per MADA/ EMADA on phone & tablet devices running Android 7.0 to 9. Major changes compared to previous release are following:

  • Added 3 new test modules and 24 new test cases

  • New tests added to enforce validation of mandatory functional patches mentioned in February 2018 Partner Bulletin

  • GtsYouTubeTestCases can be run locally through SD Card or hosting on a local server

  • GtsWellbeingTestCases added to verify that Digital Wellbeing app has the required permissions, access, and Settings integration.

  • EncryptionTest added to make sure all devices with more than 512MB of RAM and with their first API level on Pie have user data encrypted.

  • Validates messaging client compliant with the RCS Universal Profile 1.0.

Google移动服务测试套件(GTS)版本6.0 R4已在GTS下载页面上发布。 GTS 6.0_r4将支持Android 7.0至9,并将从2019年4月11日开始实施GMS批准。

GTS 6.0_r4取代GTS 6.0_r3,用于批准运行Android 7.0到9的手机和平板电脑设备上每个MADA / EMADA的GMS分配。与以前的版本相比,主要变化如下:




添加了GtsWellbeingTestCases以验证Digital Wellbeing应用程序是否具有所需的权限,访问权限和设置集成。

添加了EncryptionTest以确保所有具有超过512MB RAM且在Pie上具有第一个API级别的设备都加密了用户数据。

验证符合RCS Universal Profile 1.0的消息传递客户端。




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