谷歌发布了适用于Android 9,8.1和8.0的GMS更新。从2019年2月12日起,GMS批准将需要此版本。
- GooglePackageInstaller,其最新版本修复了CVE-2018-9582的安全问题。
- 适用于Android 9.0的SetupWizard。当网络连接不可用时,此版本允许跳过“复制应用和数据”步骤。
- 版本为8.55的Google应用程序引入了两个重要更改:
- 默认情况下,圆形Google搜索小部件显示为开箱即用。
- 设置向导中的Google Assistant选择加入屏幕已更新,如下面的屏幕截图所示。
We have released the GMS updates for Android 9, 8.1 and 8.0. This release will be required for GMS approvals from February 12, 2019.
In this release, we updated;
GooglePackageInstaller with the latest version that fixes the security issue CVE-2018-9582.
SetupWizard for Android 9.0. This version allows to skip “Copy Apps and Data” step when network connectivity is unavailable.
Google app with the version 8.55 introduces two important changes:
Round Google Search widget is displayed out of the box by default.
Google Assistant opt-in screens in the setup wizard is updated as shown in the screenshots below.
Please note, preloading of the Google app version 8.55 will be required for all new product builds from February 12, 2019, based on the commercial agreement. It means such builds MUST have the round Google search widget on the default home screen. From February 12, 2019 onwards, the Android brand team will no longer approve any marketing assets (including packaging) showing the rectangular search widget.