CTS Test Case | Status |
[CTS 8.1R4]
android.security.cts.Poc17_07#testPocBug_34173755 |
You can get a waiver
Because “dumpsys meminfo” will spend 2~3 seconds when it is fast, and even more than 10 seconds when it is slow. So if it is spend more than 10 seconds, “dumpsys meminfo ” will return the error log about “*** SERVICE 'meminfo' DUMP TIMEOUT (10s) EXPIRED *** ”, then the case will fail. Google bug id :74439929 |
[CTS 8.1][7.1/7.0][cts-on-gsi]
android.content.cts.ContentProviderCursorWindowTest#testQuery Fail:android.database.CursorWindowAllocationException: Cursor window could not be created from binder. |
You can get a waiver
https://android-review.googlesource.com/c/platform/cts/+/705304 |
[CTS R5]
CtsLibcoreTestCases libcore.io.OsTest#test_xattr_Errno 01-01 13:07:22.585 8650 8668 I TestRunner: failed: test_xattr_Errno(libcore.io.OsTest) |
You can get a waiver
拿此link: https://partnerissuetracker.corp.google.com/u/1/issues/75319412 google回复This will be fixed in CTS 8.1_r6 |
[CTS R4]
CTS-ON-GSI 8.1R3] android.media.cts.StreamingMediaPlayerTest#testHlsSampleAes_bbb_unmuxed_1500k |
You can get a waiver
Waive ID: 69882052 需合入:https://android-review.googlesource.com/661644验证 |
android.media.cts.MediaCodecCapabilitiesTest#testAvcHigh40 junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Media player had error 1 playing video |
You can get a waiver
Waive ID: 70339129 需合入:https://android-review.googlesource.com/#/c/platform/cts/+/661642/ |
[CTS 8.1R4]
android.jvmti.cts.JvmtiHostTest#testJvmti |
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High fail rate while run with low-ram device Google bug id :65863817 You can verify it by 8.1 R5 |
android.appsecurity.cts.AdoptableHostTest #testApps #testEjected #testPackageInstaller #testPrimaryStorage |
You can get a waiver
Google bug id : 69641635 |
android.media.cts.MediaRecorderTest #testRecorderTimelapsedVideo |
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Google bug id :72623893 |
android.hardware.camera2.cts.RobustnessTest #testAbandonRepeatingRequestSurface |
You can get a waiver
Google bug id :72750260 NOTE: 若是CTS 8.1R1 fail,请直接申请patch: ALPS03652526 |
[CTS 8.1 R4]
[CTS-ON-GSI R3] CtsSystemUiTestCases android.systemui.cts.LightBarTests#testLightNavigationBar |
You can get a waiver
does not support the device with the density 360 and resource xhdpi Google bug id: 78142731 We should modify the test such that iconPixels includes same hue pixels for which the color is within a margin of filtering error, i.e. 5-10%, and then increase the threshold to 50 - 70%." |
android.permission.cts.FileSystemPermissionTest #testProcSelfPagemapSane |
You can get a waiver
java.io.IOException: read(8) returned 0 Google bug id: 69818497 验证方式:可以拿R5里这条case的APK替换到vts R3的tool里验证即可 |
com.android.server.cts.BatteryStatsValidationTest #testWifiUpload #testWifiDownload |
You can get a waiver
junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Value 0 is less than min 49175 google bug id :69386624 Moved out to CTS 8.1 R5 and CTS 8.0 R9. Waiver continues. |
android.autofillservice.cts.LoginActivityTest#filterText等多项fail |
Waiting for google feedback
android.autofillservice.cts.RetryableException: Object with selector 'BySelector [RES='\Qandroid:id/autofill_dataset_picker\E']' not found in 2000 ms Google bug id :71515322 Google set as won’t fix |
CtsDeqpTestCases 127项fail |
=== with config {glformat=rgba8888d24s8ms0,rotation=unspecified,surfacetype=window,
required=true} === Google bug ids: You can get a waiver :注意!!!以上127项fail在MT6737/MT6753上可以豁免,在MT6763上, 只有以下三项为google issue draw_elements_base_vertex_invalid_map |
android.inputmethodservice.cts.hostside. InputMethodServiceLifecycleTest #testDisableCurrentIme #testOnStartInputCalledOnce #testSearchView_giveFocusShowIme #testSearchView_setQueryHideIme #testSwitchIme #testUninstallCurrentIme 及android.view.inputmethod.cts.BaseInputConnectionTest #testCloseConnection等多项fail |
Waiting for google feedback
expected:<com.[google.android.inputmethod.latin/com.android.inputmethod.latin].LatinIME> but was:<com.[android.inputmethod.latin/].LatinIME> Google bug id: 67025830 |
[CTS8.1_R4][CTS-ON-GSI R3]
android.openglperf.cts.GlVboPerfTest #testVboWithVaryingIndexBufferNumbers |
You can get a waiver
waive ID:71845445 需合入:https://android-review.googlesource.com/c/platform/cts/+/683660验证 |
android.server.cts.ActivityManagerDisplayTests #testActivityLaunchPostVr等多项fail |
You can get a waiver
java.lang.NullPointerException Google bug id: 72197059 |
android.server.cts.ActivityManagerDisplayTests #testConsequentLaunchActivityFromSecondaryDisplay等多项fail |
1),若[ro.config.low_ram]: [true]可以申请豁免,
You can get a waiver, Google bug id: 69869233 2),若[ro.config.low_ram]: [false] ,需要申请patch: o1.mp1:ALPS03726475 (包含在alps-mp-o1.mp1-V1.19) o1.mp2: ALPS03726520(包含在alps-mp-o1.mp2-V1.16) o1.mp3/o1.mp5/o1.mp6 : ALPS03610337 合入以上patch后,还有3项fail是google issue,Google bug id:67230979 android.server.cts.ActivityManagerDisplayTests #testConsequentLaunchActivityFromVirtualDisplayNoEmbedding #testLaunchWithoutPermissionOnVirtualDisplay fail #testPermissionLaunchFromDifferentApp fail junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Expected exception not found |
android.trustedvoice.cts.TrustedVoiceHostTest#testUnlock |
Waiting for google feedback
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: Test string does not match expected:<[TrustedVoiceTestString]> but was:<[]> Google bug id: 71053254 |
android.view.cts.PixelCopyTest #testWindowProducerCopyToRGBA16F |
Google issue,cts-on-gsi上可waive,cts不可waive,必须合入如下patch
1)在MT6737/MT6753平台上 CTS测试不可waive,必须合入google patch:FAQ20734 2)在MT6763/MT6771平台上, ARM Tracking ID 71621168,CTS测试必须合入patch请合入google patch: https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base/+/2e57a442f3ec9367b239b6331906144a172ac14b |
android.webkit.cts.WebViewClientTest #testShouldOverrideUrlLoadingOnCreateWindow android.webkit.cts.WebViewTest#testSetInitialScale |
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junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: unexpected timeout Google bug id: 70872896 |
android.appsecurity.cts.InstantCookieHostTest #testCookieUpdateAndRetrieval |
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java.lang.AssertionError: on-device tests failed: Google bug id: 67761796 R4上Google Nexus N6p同样fail |
android.appsecurity.cts.IsolatedSplitsTests #testInstallAllFeatureSplits等6项fail |
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java.lang.AssertionError: on-device tests failed: Google bug id: 70697855 |
android.view.cts.DragDropTest#testOverNowhere |
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junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Couldn't start drag Google bug id: 66020998 |
android.signature.cts.intent.IntentTest #shouldNotFindUnexpectedIntents |
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[Package: com.google.android.apps.youtube.mango Invalid Intent: [android.intent.action.SIGN_IN], Package: com.google.android.apps.messaging Invalid Intent: [android.intent.action.ACTION_LOCALE_CHANGED]] 第三方APK不能用 android.intent.action打头的,请自行卸载或者修改成xxx.intent.action(xxx不能是android),由于这几个APK是Google,可以申请豁免: Google bug id: b/72553921 |
android.content.cts.AvailableIntentsTest#testVoiceCommand |
No need to waive
Provide pass result on R5 |
[CTS Verifier 8.1_R1]
CA Cert Notification on Boot test |
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预期的notification 没有show出来 Google bug id: 30392002 |
[CTS Verifier 8.1_R1]
Condition Provider test Notification Attention Management Test Notification Listener Test |
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点击launch settings后提示this feature is not available on this device Google bug id: 68782260 |
[CTS Verifier 8.1_R1]
Widget Framework Test |
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Launcher3Go project, there is no "CTS Verifier widget" in SHORTCUTS Google bug id :70191750 |
android.server.cts.ActivityManagerAppConfigurationTests #testTaskCloseRestoreOrientation |
Waiting for google feedback
Should return to app in landscape orientation expected:<0> but was:<1> Google bug id : 70184142 |
CtsAppSecurityHostTestCases--android.appsecurity.cts.DirectBootHostTest#testDirectBootEmulated android.appsecurity.cts.DirectBootHostTest#testDirectBootNone |
You can get a waiver
Waive link:https://partnerissuetracker.corp.google.com/issues/71958347 |
google 的bug id如何知晓